Sneeze Hell is a 2D top down shooter game with a twist - Every 10 seconds the player sneezes green bullets that temporarily takes his movement controls, while cleaning most of the close enemies.
Prior to the game jam which Sneeze Hell was turned in, I made a bullet hell system which created lots of interesting patterns, and for this system I took inspiration from Unity's particle system and implemented a "burst system" that spawns X amount of bullets with an interval.
Also, I've applied Unity's new job and burst system for all bullets in order to save performance. That, combined with profiling any lag spikes, made the game highly performant on most browsers and computers.
The only problem with this project is that it's initial version had some balancing issues (for instance, the hexagon enemies were too hard because they were tanks with enormous pools of health, and the sneeze threw you off the cliffs really easily), common game jam problems caused by "designer blindness". I learned the lesson and I try to implement thorough playtesting by delivering playable versions for my peers before publishing the game.
Aside balancing issues, the game was really well received and reached #4 overall position in the Bullet Hell Jam!