Star Spin is a rhythm game with heavy inspirations from Osu! The player needs to click on every "note button" in beat of the song, according with its shapes (Circle is Left Mouse Button or Z, Square Right Mouse Button or X, Star is both).
For this project, I've made good use of assets such as Koreographer (in order to time the notes with the music without any off-beat synchronization and a general useful guide for beat placements), and FEEL (first time using this asset, proves to be essential for game jams. The asset provides feedback support in a simple manner which is quick and easy to add).
I also used the advantage of Unity's new input system and provided support for drawing tablets for players that are used to playing Osu! or similar games.
The biggest challenge for this project was figuring out how rhythm games makes their notes readable with adjustable scrolling speeds, so I had to come with my own formula for designing a note approach rate (similar to Osu), which the notes can come faster or slower, depending on the user's preference.
This is also a game which I focused on making a very stylized and responsible UI, especially for the main menus. I designed sketches in Inkscape on how the UI would turn out to be and replicated it all on Unity, which is a way more efficient way to layout UI rather than just making it on the spot.